Things to come

I’ve been thinking about what the next series of planned posts will be, and wanted to run through the options get some feedback on what you’d like to see next. So, without further ado, here are some of potential post topics:

  • Building Your Home Bar: glassware basics – a run down of the few indispensable pieces of glassware needed for most major cocktails, and why glass choice matters.
  • Breakfast of Champions – a series of breakfast cocktails, from my personal recipe for the venerable and ubiquitous Bloody Mary to lesser known pre-lunch libations, including some riffs and an original recipe or two.
  • Building Your Home Bar: essential spirits – a list of the key liquors  and liqueurs to purchase to get your bar started, with specific brand suggestions for solid choices that won’t break the bank.
  • The Vault – I’ve been putting together original recipes for years now, and shared a good number in the past on my personal Facebook account, with quick recipes and snapshots taken with my phone.  There are several gems that I’d love to share here with updated, higher quality pictures, and perhaps refinements on the recipes with commentary on how it evolved and why.
  • Classic & Riff – this will be a reoccurring format, with a post of a classic cocktail followed by a riff on it, demonstrating how a simple change in an existing recipe can create a completely different drink.
  • Reader’s Choice: pick your poison – A huge fan of Drambuie?  Never had a taste for gin but want to give it a shot?  Can’t get enough of basil?  This would be a segment where I’d take a request to come up with something using a particular ingredient, and create cocktail highlighting it.
  • Character Cocktails: fan drink service – I’m a big old geek, and I bet a bunch of you are too!  I’ve designed drinks based on characters from a couple LARPs that I play for the amusement and edification of other players.  I have a dozen or so that will eventually make it onto the blog, but I’d love to put together some recipes based on some of your favorite characters from movies, TV shows, books or comics.


So, dear readers, what do you think?  I’ll get to all the topics eventually, but what would you like to see next?  If you have ideas you’d like to see for the last three (Classic & Riff, Reader’s Choice, or Character Cocktails), please post them here.  Is there some other idea that you’d think would make a great post or series?  Leave a comment and let me know!


  1. Breakfast drinks! We haven’t done those in a while, and you have to give me 50% of your beverages anyway… 😉

    I’d also like to throw in a potential series piece on showcasing booze from certain regions. Perhaps starting with some tasty things made locally?

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